Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Elaine Parks and Sidne Teske

Sidne Teske: One day early in the summer of 2023 Elaine Parks and I went to Candace Garlock’s printmaking studio to learn about Gelli printing. I became fascinated and decided to try the effect on the wooden rounds that I got from Candace. I wanted transparent organic shapes that could easily be combined with other imagery. I also didn’t want whatever I made to compete with what Elaine was doing with her woodburning. I was hoping that our end products would be fun to look at with images that the mind and eye could play with. I think they might be fun story starters.

Elaine: I got 10 discs from Candace and right away asked Sidne Teske if she'd like half. 

Sidne worked on 3 of my discs and I worked on 5 of hers. I had my wood burning tool out, so I played around with that as a start and Sidne did some gelli printing on top. Sidne gave me discs with both gelli printing and wood burning.

Sidne and I were both recently introduced and subsequently hooked on gelli printing by Candace at her wonderful studio.

And all the discs fit nicely in a President Brie box :)

Jayna Conkey and Candace Garlock


Jayna at Candace's house in January, 2024
Candace’s organic background made me think of the Fall. My initial response was to add to the white areas, but I love to overlap imagery and realized I had to add feet and then after that, the hand, as a nod to Candace and her “Daily Nodes” Project. Touch, balance, the weight of our bodies... so much to think about. Thank you for including us in your journey.  I will add, the feet also reminded me of how cool it was to work in Candace’s studio, sitting with what seemed like hundreds of little ceramic feet hanging about.